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Bridging Disconnectedness

Updated: Mar 7, 2022

Who would have ever imagined that we would be a part of a generation that experiences an epidemic? Truly take time to reflect, cherish and be thoughtful in navigating your new path forward.


I find the idea of disconnectedness quite ironic in that during being disconnected in isolation given Covid-19 Level 5 restrictions and the various degrees of social distancing experienced through until level 1, the circumstances have presented the opportunity for many to become reconnected in numerous other ways.

Featured detail of work in progress, September 2020.

Within the coming months, I will share exciting news and happenings as well as insights into my studio practice, projects you can try out and updates in the art world. For me, the time of reflection has brought on cultivating online engagement which further shares, fosters and bridges 'disconnectedness' via online platforms in an ever-changing world in which we need to adapt in at times, and in other times, grow. 




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